listen, if places like wal-mart are starting to carry organic products, question it. question all sources of organic foods. there's been a lot of hype in the "organic" world about the source of horizon organic's milk. article. so, i've decided to do some research since ryan and i try to buy organic stuff and eat as healthful as we can.
1. many big organic/natural product companies have been sold to a larger corporation. like tom's of maine toothpaste, horizon, stonyfield farms, burt's bees. does this affect quality? npr blurp on this subject
2. buy local over big name organic. there's a better probability that it's been picked recently. spinach from our csa farmer and from our own back yard is quite better than bagged organic from the store. it doesn't leave a weird film on your teeth.
3. check where in the world organic produce comes from. alot of it is shipped from countries other than ours. think about the petrol used to get that food to us.
4. eating seasonally could mean eating more healthily. i'm only going to buy fruits and veg from the farmer's market this summer. this is so much easier during this season. this article on eating with the seasons gives some examples of what foods to eat and when.
i guess i'm really just excited that i just made slaw with cabbage from our farmer's csa basket and peppers and carrots from our friends', the paul's, backyard. it's probably good to have a healthy mistrust in the organic market. i guess if they have to stress that it's ORGANIC, then they're probably out for money and i'll question their integrity even more.
plus, there's probably a little bit of shit in everything we eat. oh well.
Great thoughts Jodie!
CG and I often struggle with the organic issue, and often for the reasons you listed. I definitely want to focus more on buying local and growing things (when I'm in the country during planting season).
We talk a lot about organic milk, and one reason I would support buying it is the hopes that the animals would be treated better. I would certainly hate to lactate my entire life. Last week I thought about it on the way to the store to buy milk. I went with the organic, and it went sour just a few days after opening! That never happens to Kroger brand. Until Lexington allows me to have a cow in the backyard, I think I'll take some preservatives.
good stuff, thanks for raising the issue, I look forward to hearing more in the future.
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