Thursday, July 06, 2006

good to be back home

what a treat to be pulling into the "driveway" this afternoon and be greeted by gwynnie, ty, and will. they were just getting home from a lovely picnic at woodland park. how we love the samson family!

ryan and i are so very glad to be back in kentucky where it was 77 degrees as we pulled in at 3pm. for the beginning of july, that's amazing. just monday it was close to 100 in b'ham. ugh. and yes, the water at the lake was the temperature of a nice bath. i loved it.

last night we stayed in nashvegas with our friend, bev. it's always wonderful to see her. ryan, of course, enjoyed our time at the brewery while we waited for bev to get her highlights. this morning we had coffee and ate breakfast at fido. if you're ever around nashville check this place out. we stop there almost every time we past through the city. it's easy to find and a good driving break. plus, i think that caedmon's call was eating there too. hmmm.

anyways, back to partying it up in KY!

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