this might not be the activity for you. today is sunday and we finished our picnic table. neither of us do well taking instructions from the other. maybe it's an oldest child thing. since we're both the oldest of two.
i started the table on friday by cutting the boards to length and angle. yesterday, i put the bolts into the sides. today we screwed in the top and seats. now, we must sand and stain.
ryan and i do have a hard time working together. maybe it's on me, but we're just now somewhat able (after 4 1/2 yrs) to work in the kitchen at the same time. rarely do we, though. we do gladly eat what each other has made.
today, my frustration could be towards the meeting that i have at noon. note to self, don't plan meetings on sundays. sundays should be family days.
welcome back to the land of blogging. you flicker account is fun too.
Love this post. Billy & I are similar in that regard. Take care of yourselves and don't bother with the things that stress you as a couple (as best you can!).
PS -- the table rocks. I'm looking forward to eating at it on the 11th!
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