Sunday, November 19, 2006

oh how i love thanksgiving

why is this holiday so great?

1. best food ever
(turkey y cornbread dressing, sweet potato casserole w/pecans, pumpkin pie, corn pudding,
broccoli casserole, pecan pie)
2. lazing around with the fam
3. taking time to really give thanks for the many blessings in our lives
4. best food ever
5. charlie brown on tv
6. some of us actually wait to start listening to christmas music around this time (the exception...ty samson


ty said...

Hey, Miss Jodie, a little birdie (cough*Ryan*cough) informed me that you started listening the other day!

Can't wait to see you guys!

maria said...

Amen, sister, on all points listed.

Wait... I mean, Amen, neighbor!!!

jkoch said...

yes...i'll confess. i started listening to sufjan stevens christmas music the other day. busted.